
Love in the Time of COVID

love in the time of covid

The Covid-19 pandemic has pretty much transformed our lives and the way we interact with other people. With social distancing being the norm now, big social events such as weddings were out of the question, unless you wanted to have everyone you love at risk

Many people have resorted to having every kind of meeting virtually, but there’s only so much a zoom meeting can do, do we really connect with the ones we love only via webcam? 

The compelling subject has driven many specialists and psychologists to do some research on the matter. A website called Love in the Time of COVID leads an international research study that focuses on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on how we connect, relate, and cope during these hard times. 

By contacting as many people as possible, and from many different backgrounds and cultures, the researchers aim to determine how the pandemic is affecting people’s lives and relationships. The study also attempts to learn what types of people are most psychologically vulnerable to the pandemic’s effects. The research is led by Psycologsit Richard Slatcher, a professor in the Behavior and Brain Sciences area of the Department of Psychology at the University of Georgia.

The website also enlists some recommendations about how to cope with the many challenges of being on lockdown. Their top suggestions include developing a routine, going outside, and exercising. When talking about how to keep your relationship healthy and thriving they recommend expanding your horizons and trying new things as well as having virtual double dates.

Their research has shown that double-dates can help you feel closer to your partner and even feel more passionate toward him or her. But above all, they advise to seek professional help if the struggle feels too much, no one should face hard times alone.

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