
Another Bus Full Of Migrants Sent By Abbott Arrived To Los Angeles

The 20th busload of migrants sent by Texas Governor Greg Abbott to Los Angeles arrived on Saturday, reports Los Angeles Times.

The program of busing migrants to “sanctuary” cities across the United States has, where the 20th busload of migrants arrived at Union Station. This move has further escalated political tensions surrounding immigration, sparking outrage among community groups in Los Angeles.

Gov. Abbott has focused on demonizing migrants for political gain, potentially fueling hate and anger towards these communities, claiming to have shipped more than 45,000 people to cities including Washington, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver, and Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles City Council has sought legal opinions on whether the city can sue Texas and whether the busing program violates any laws. California Attorney General Rob Bonta has also noted that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis arranged at least one charter flight of migrants to Sacramento.

Abbott has been using immigration as a political issue, criticizing President Joe Biden and praising former President Trump. He portrays the United States as experiencing an “unprecedented border crisis” and claims that Texas is “at war” with the United States due to immigration issues.

The migrants taking these buses are doing so out of desperation, and the term “voluntary” may not accurately describe their situations.

“It’s difficult to describe as ‘voluntary’ rides for people who don’t even know California is thousands of miles away from Chicago or New York and yet their need to move forward, to survive, is so great that anything they are offered that keeps them from squashing their dreams will be agreed to,” said Jorge-Mario Cabrera, spokesman of Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights.

The Coalition reported that the migrants they helped were from various countries and many expressed intentions to continue moving forward.

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