Back in June, a young woman named Mayra Flores won the race for the congressional seat of the Rio Grande Valley district. Flores is 34 years old and was born in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, making her the first American born woman to go to congress. She represented a region that has historically voted Blue, the thing here is that Mayra Flores is a Republican. Flores won in a special election and during the midterms she will try to hold onto this seat as the GOP makes enormous efforts to win three races in South Texas as they want to shift this region that has been traditionally dominated by the Democrats.
Three congressional seats that the GOP put the most effort into were located in the predominantly Hispanic region of South Texas, a region that Biden underperformed during the 2020 presidential election. Those seats are the 15th District, where Republican Monica De La Cruz faces Democrat Michelle Vallejo for an open seat. The 28th District, where U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo, is up against GOP challenger Cassy Garcia. And the 34th District, where U.S. Rep. Mayra Flores, R-Los Indios, is trying to hold on to the seat she won in June.
These seats are so important because, according to The Texas Tribune, polls show that we could expect that all three will go to the Republicans, and that would mean a huge shift in texas politics for the years to come.