
US House Votes to Remove Marjorie Taylor Greene From Committees

The US House voted to remove Marjorie Taylor Green, a QAnon supporting freshman from Georgia, from her committee assignments on Thursday.

The House voted 230-199 with 11 Republicans siding with Democrats:

  • Adam Kinzinger
  • Nicole Malliotakis
  • John Katko
  • Fred Upton
  • Brian Fitzpatrick
  • Carlos Gimenez
  • Chris Jacobs
  • Young Kim
  • Maria Salazar
  • Chris Smith
  • Mario Díaz-Balart

The vote comes after social media posts from 2018 and 2019 show the now congresswoman calling for and voicing support for executing members of Congress.

One post showed Greene saying “a bullet to the head would be quicker” in reference to removing Speaker Pelosi from office.

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