Abbott blamed the Biden administration for the ongoing shortage of baby formula and pointed out it shouldn’t be given to migrant children, according to Vice.
“While mothers and fathers stare at empty grocery store shelves in a panic, the Biden Administration is happy to provide the baby formula to illegal immigrants coming across our southern border,” said the governor in a statement along with Brandon Judd of the National Border Patrol Council.
Greg Abbott wasn’t the only Republican who held this position. Republican Representative Kat Kenmark from Florida, posted a video on Facebook showing the difference between full-stack shelves allegedly at the border in comparison to nearly empty shelves at “home”. She also said that it wasn´t the baby’s fault and her heart is broken by the situation.
Republican Rep. Troy Nehls tweeted “Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals,”
Even Though the baby’s formula shortage is escalating into a bigger problem every day, the Biden administration can´t do what it has been asked to because it would be breaking the law. Decades ago, the federal-state made a settlement to protect all migrant children.
The Flores Settlement agreement was first conceived 25 years ago during the Bill Clinton administration in 1997 according to the Washington Post. The main objective was to secure the children who cross the border and address alimentary issues and relocation needs. It is a contractual obligation that forces the federal institutions to provide “drinking water and food as appropriate,” to all children.
Before Greg Abbott, Trump also tried to get rid of the Flores Settlement but the courts blocked his initiative.
On the other hand, democrats acted shocked at the Governor of Texas’s comment. Rep. Joachim Castro tweeted “As the father of a newborn, I’m struck by Greg Abbott’s callous inhumanity,” Additionally, the Texas Democratic Party posted a daring statement on Twitter, saying “Abbott has never been prolife”.